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About Us

Malaysia Asian Chamber of Commerce is a trade NGO representing its members in Asian countries and promotes international trade growth in line with Industry 4.0 (the Fourth Industrial Revolution).

The purpose of every industrial revolution is to make craft and skills obsolete and thereby make people interchangeable and cheap - Greg Palast

The Founder



Dr Sailesh Lachu Hiranandani, chairman of multiple international group of companies, was the proud Founder of Malaysia Asian Chamber of Commerce (MACC), a premier organization hastening the business needs of Malaysia and Asian Countries.


He is also recognised for his role in organizing a whole lot of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) activities through his numerous associations and trusts across the globe.

Our Mission

Our Vision

Malaysia as a Gateway of Asian Trade.

Our Mission

To promote, foster and encourage cohesive, innovative and inclusive international trading and economic growth in Malaysia and Asian Countries.

Welcome on Board

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